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This page contains information about my PhD research project and other research projects.


The title of my thesis was “A national, collaborative analysis of the NCMP ‘routine feedback’ process with parents, carers, and other stakeholders”. The aims were:

  1. Understand and gain insights into the NCMP, particularly result letters.
  2. Develop a new version of letters based on the insights.
  3. Evaluate the new letters against standard ones, gauging parental perceptions.

Study 1

Study 1 analysed responses to an online survey disseminated to representatives of 92 LGAs (Local Government Authorities) and 300 result letters from 115 LGAs.

  • 86% of LGAs commissioned providers to deliver the NCMP.
  • Standard letters exhibited a systematic pattern across six narrative themes.
  • Language analysis revealed that the letters medicalised children living with an overweight condition.

Study 2

Analysed the user experience of 86 parents with standard and experimental result letters:

  • Parents’ experience of both letters was significantly lower when the children were classified with any status other than ‘healthy weight’.
  • The impact of the letter versions was inconclusive due to an insufficient sample size.
  • The study demonstrated the feasibility of embedding a short feedback questionnaire as part of the NCMP.

Study 3

Explored experiences of 20 parents through semi-structured interviews:

  • Parents preferred the experimental version of the letter over the standard version, especially for non-healthy weight status.
  • Reasons for preference included less threatening language and a supportive tone in the experimental letter.
  • Neutral feelings for both versions were observed when the child had a healthy weight.


The research provides updated evidence on NCMP operations, highlights language impacts in result letters, and identifies medicalising language.


  • PHE and DHSC should provide sensitive templates, avoiding medical terms.
  • Explore different delivery methods.
  • Tailor letters to individual children’s needs.
  • Direct and personalised recruitment routes are more effective.

The final version of my thesis was submitted in 2022. The thesis is freely available here.


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